May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Stickford Parish Council



Venue Stickford Community Centre at 7.30pm.

There were 3 residents present for this Annual Meeting of the Parish 2019

Official Attendees from the listing below see Y for attending and N for non attendance.

Chairman - Mrs Pamela Bryant Y
Vice Chairman - Mr Graham Bradley Y
Councillor - Mrs Lesley Reeson Y
Councillor - Mr Robert Morley Y
Councillor - Mr Clive Kingswood Y
Councillor - Mr John Howlett Y

Parish Clerk - Mr John Spencer Y

ELDC Councillor - Mr J Swanson Y
LCC  Councillor - Mrs W Bowkett N

The Parish Council Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting.

The Parish Council Chairman took the Chair for the meeting.

Annual Meeting of the Parish 8th May 2018

The meeting approved the minutes as a true record.

Proposed Councillor Lesley Reeson   Seconded by Councillor John Howlett

Matters arising from last year’s meeting 8th May 2018 and 7th May 2019

Church Road footpath has been cleared                         

Damaged Road sign has been removed

War Memorial Clock still under investigation.

Dog bins together with rubbish bins still under review as to the solution

Bus Shelters maintenance to be discussed

Badgers on catchwater bank under investigation

Occupancy of land at Hagnaby Lock

Suspect rubbish and trees being dumped in the dyke next to 1 Hagnaby Road.  

4    The Annual Chairman’s Report, Community Centre and Charities reports given by the Chairman with all councillors and residents getting copies at the meeting.

5   The resident open forum has been incorporated with item 3 above.

6.  The chairman closed the meeting at 8.15pm.