October 2022 Minutes
at STICKFORD Community Centre
Tuesday 4th October 2022 @ 7.30pm
No. of Residents present 0 Official attendees read Y for attending, N for non-attendance
Chairman Councillor Mrs Lesley Reeson Y Councillor vacancy
Vice Chairman Councillor Mr John Howlett Y Councillor vacancy
Councillor Mr Clive Kingswood N Councillor vacancy
Councillor Mrs Pam Bryant Y Parish Clerk Mrs Nicki George Y
Lincs C C Councillor Mrs W Bowkett N ELDC Councillor Mr Terry Taylor N
1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence – received and accepted by all councillors , from Councillor Clive Kingswood, Lincs CC Councillor Mrs Wendy Bowkett and ELDC Councillor Mr Terry Taylor.
3. There were no declaration of interest
4. Residents’ issues: None
5. ELDC report: email report from Councillor Taylor as not present :
Lincolnshire county council have voted to spend an extra £5 million of revenue on much needed road maintenance. This comes from underspent on projected budgetary neeeds and will now be put into vital roadworks across the country. We have 5,500 miles of road network recent hot weather conditions have further exacerbated issues with many rural roads.
The autumn booster is in full swing, health bosses have warned of a potential covid 19 wave this autumn plus a wave of flu. Please get your boosters and flu jab when invited or call the 119 or go on NHS site to book in.
You can now register births, marriages, and deaths online, the up take has been excellent.
For Businesses who are needing support in these difficult times please go to businesslincoln@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
Residents can get help from www.citizensadvice.org.uk 0800 1448444.
1) £1000 ELDC grant scheme -application has been prepared to be submitted for the annual maintenance of the clock once it has been mended.
2) Queen’s Jubilee grant – no funds available when the Clerk enquired.
3) The litter bin by the recycling bins has been replaced. ELDC have again questioned the previous existence of a bin by the bus shelter near Peachwood Motors : “The missing bin you refer to, the Supervisors and operatives are not aware of a bin ever being at the bus stop on the Peachwood motors side and we received an application earlier this year for a new bin to placed here which was rejected for the following reason;
“Litter bin request for Peachwood motors southbound on A16 has been rejected. The Supervisor doesn’t feel there is a litter problem in this area and we already have one opposite which is very rarely used or emptied and we have even considered removing.”
6. LCC report : No report available.
1) Temporary traffic restriction: Keal Cotes/Stickford
Please note it will be necessary to impose a temporary restriction as detailed below.
Organisation responsible for restriction: Western Power Distribution/National Grid
Reason for restriction: High & low voltage reinforcement works
Nature and location of restriction:
Road closure Order - East Keal Bank (Between Fen Road & a point 375m South)
Period of restriction: 24/10/2022 - 25/11/2022 08:00 to 17:00
(Restrictions to be implemented for 25 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
Alternative route or access arrangements:
Diversion routes and vehicular or pedestrian access arrangements will be signposted.
7. Lincolnshire Police Report: October NPT newsletter. This is emailed around to each councillor when received and a copy is put on the Noticeboard and the website.
8. The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th July 2022 and 13th September 2022 were read and approved. Proposed by Councillor John Howlett , Seconded by Councillor Pam Bryant.
9. Matters Arising from the Minutes.
1) No update as yet on Fix My Street re Horsechestnut tree by the noticeboard on junction of A16 and Fen Road. Clerk to follow up.
2) See ELDC report re litter bins.
3) ELDC grant completed – to be submitted by Clerk
10. Financial Report
A) Authority for Payment :
1) £625.00 Clerks salary – July to September 2022
All Councillors agreed to pay
2) £112.00 Stickford Community Centre – hire January to October 2022
All Councillors agreed to pay
3) £42.00 Abbey Payroll Services – clerks wages Quarter 1 & 2
All Councillors agreed to pay
4) £37.49 Clerks admin expenses . £22.99 toners for printer, £7 copy paper, £7.50 envelopes
All Councillors agreed to pay
5) £16.73 Lesley Reeson : £8.31 & £8.42 petrol for strimmer & mower
All Councillors agreed to pay.
6) £5440.00 Time Assured Ltd – deposit for work to be done (£5200 donation received on 15/9/22 from a resident.) Parish Council to pay the difference of £240. All councillors agreed to pay.
B) Bank balances as at 30.9.22 when last statement received: Current a/c £16,465.32 Savings a/c £8095.49. No o/s cheques previously issued and not yet cashed
Budget Report update - All councillors were given a report to read.
Allotment letters requesting payment for 1st October 2022 hand delivered and awaiting all payments before being banked.
2 letters have been received from HMRC advising of a VAT payment due of £149.59. Clerk contacted HMRC to clarify – VAT account registered June 2015. Computer has incorrectly picked up dormant VAT accounts and processed a payment for non submission of VAT return for period 01 April 2022 to 30 June 2022. Payment has been deleted as an error and advised that a VAT account may not be suitable/required for a Parish Council. All councillors agreed to de-register for VAT to avoid this happening again and clerk to continue submitting VAT refund claim as previously ie. VAT126.
11. Risk Management Policy – this will be discussed at the next meeting when all councillors are present. All councillors to be emailed a copy by the clerk to be read and reviewed ahead of next meeting.
12. Jubilee Celebrations for 2022 – update and summary: £180 banked from last of coins sold. Nothing else now to discuss. Cash in hand including all fundraising and Precept monies : £1390.19 which will be used for celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III next year in 2023.
13. War Memorial Clock – grant application update :
£5200 donations received via BACS into Council bank account. Time Assured Ltd will require a 40 % deposit payment of £5440. All councillors agreed to pay the difference of £240.00. Cheque issued to John Howlett to send to Time Assured Ltd when requested.
14. Replace assets i.e. Noticeboard and possible new siting , bench & bus shelters
Clerk has obtained 3 quotes for new noticeboards, benches and bus shelters. Glasdon are the only company that offer all items and councillors have requested that the clerk obtain a quote for all 3 items. Will they offer a discount? Noticeboard to be 16 A4 sheet, metal with 2 front opening doors and wording over the top. 2 bus shelters and one bench for the war memorial.
15. Bench by War Memorial – as above
16. Bench along bridleway
Licence has been obtained from LCC for a bench to be placed along the bridle way. This licence needs to be transferred to the resident who has requested the bench so that he can look at the stipulations that LCC have requested.
17. Community Centre
Councillor Pam Bryant has been looking into the responsibilities of the Parish Council re the Community Centre. The Parish Council is a Custodian of the Community Centre. It is the entity that actually holds the assets in question for safe keeping. Custodians physically secure assets but don’t have the authority to make management decision. The Community Centre Trustees only can make the decisions.
The Parish Council want to request that the Community Centre Committee hold an Energy Performance check to get an up-to-date rating. The Clerk will check with LALC as to the Parish Councils position.
18. Planning: none since last meeting
19. Correspondence received for this meeting but not covered on the agenda:
Civility and Respect Pledge – no action
Option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements – all councillors are happy to remain with our current auditor arrangements as it is working well. All agree to opt out.
20. Other Business – matters for next agenda:
1) War Memorial Clock funding update
2) replace assets ie. Noticeboard, bus shelters, bench
3) Risk Management policy
4) Community Centre update
21. The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Date and time of next meeting: 13th December 2022 at 7.30pm.