September 2024 Minutes
Tuesday 10 September 2024 @ 7.30pm
No. of Residents present 12 Official attendees read Y for attending, N for non-attendance
Chairman Councillor Mrs Lesley Reeson Y ELDC Councillor Mr Terry Taylor N
Vice Chairman Councillor Mr John Howlett Y Lincs C C Councillor Mrs Wendy Bowkett Y
Councillor Mr Clive Kingswood Y Parish Clerk Mrs Nicki George Y
Councillor Mrs Pam Bryant Y
Councillor Mr Tony French Y
Councillor vacancy
Councillor vacancy
1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence – ELDC Councillor Terry Taylor – reasons accepted
3. There were no declaration of interest
4. Residents’ issues:
a) A resident informed the meeting that lorries from Cravens are still travelling too fast over the bridge at the junction of Keal Bank, Fen Road and Catchwater Bank. Also that some of the traffic is still coming through the village rather than using Poppypole Lane. Pantons do use Poppypole Lane. Can we ask Cravens to slow down and use the alternate route away from the village. The clerk confirmed that Cravens have previously been contacted. The clerk will send a reminder.
b) A resident expressed their concern at where the planned siting of the bench is to be, on the kerb on Fen Road alongside of the War Memorial. After a discussion, the Parish Council confirmed that it will be secured on the planned and agreed site.
c) A resident asked for an update as to how Witham Fourth are progressing with works on bank slippage along Catchwater Bank & drain. Witham Fourth have confirmed that the work is ongoing.
d) A resident asked for clarification for who is responsible for the dykes along the Cul De Sac. All residents that live in the Cul De Sac are responsible for the section on their property.
e) A resident asked if the trees and hedges near to the bridge at the end of the Cul De Sac and Catchwater Bank can be lowered and tidied up. This area has been previously cleared but LCC Wendy Bowkett to follow up.
f) A resident expressed concern over ramps that are being used by another resident of the village on the footpath at the end of the Cul de Sac across the bridge to assist his disabled wife to maneuver her wheelchair over it. The ramps need to be removed each time after use and stored out of the way to avoid tripping hazzard and slipping hazzard to other walkers. This path is designated as a Ramblers path and not a Footpath, therefore LCC will not consider improving the path from what is currently there. The councillors asked the clerk to write a letter to this resident to ask that they are removed each time after use and to bring their attention to the potential hazards.
g) A resident requested consideration of Speed Control along the Cul De Sac. Ie. Flashing speed signs. The councillors will consider the costs in the budget for next years Precept. Details of LCC equipment are available for all to see on the Lincolnshire Road Partnership website.
h) A resident raised the issue of vehicles parking along Hagnaby Road around the bend area, obscuring oncoming traffic and forcing vehicles to move out over the white line and onto the side of the oncoming traffic. Councillors asked the clerk to send polite letters to residents in that area asking them to consider where they are parking and the point out the potential hazards.
5. ELDC Report
Council calls for residents to submit nominations for new recognition awards ahead of ceremony this November.
East Lindsey District Council are calling for residents to submit nominations for the new Community Ambassador scheme ahead of an awards ceremony, scheduled to take place in November.
Having announced the creation of the Community Ambassador Awards earlier this month, the nomination period is set to run for five weeks, from Monday 2 September until Friday 4 October 2024.
The four judges who will decide the winners of the awards will be announced in the coming weeks, all local to the East Lindsey area with extensive backgrounds in arts, culture, youth engagement and service to the community.
The award categories have been confirmed as:
• Outstanding Achievement
• Group Champion
• Individual Champion
• Youth Champion.
To submit a nomination, please visit: before 11:59pm Friday 4th October 2024.
Drainage Board Funding
Dear Councillors, Back in January you will be aware the Government announced it would provide £3m of further funding to support Councils significantly impacted by Internal Drainage Board levies and provide a longer term funding solution in time for the 25/26 Local Government Finance Settlement.
Since the election, the LGA Special Interest Group, which this Partnership is driving, has been working hard to engage with the new Government on the issue. Today, following a question on the issue in the House of Commons, the Local Government Minister, Jim McMahon MP, confirmed the distribution of the £3m.
15 Councils in total will benefit including our Partnership:
• Boston - £411,000
• East Lindsey - £834,000
• South Holland - £335,000
This is a really positive sign that the Government understands the issue we face and has heard the calls from the Special Interest Group. Christine Marshall, James Gilbert and myself have secured a meeting with the Minister for the 21 October when we will use the opportunity to press for the longer-term funding solution. In addition, we have an engagement event planning in the House of Commons for early October where we will meet with MPs from the impacted areas.
Have your say: Proposed extensions and amendments to Public Space Protection Orders
East Lindsey District Council first introduced the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in October 2017, in line with legislation updates to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It replaced the East Lindsey Dog Control Order 2008 and is due to expire in November 2024.
The PSPO is used to enforce dog fouling, dog exclusion zones, seasonal beach ban areas in Skegness, Sutton on Sea and Mablethorpe and allows Authorised Officers to request that dogs are placed on leads.
A new addition to the PSPO includes to extend the Order to include further dog control restrictions:
• Proposal to change the current dog Beach restriction area to align with the Blue Flag Award area
Also, we are seeking to introduce a ban on non-permitted street traders in the following areas of Skegness:
• Grand Parade, Tower Gardens and Tower Esplanade area
• All Lumley Road
• All High Street
The Order is effective for three years from 6th November 2024, but we would like to welcome your views on the proposed changes to our Public Space and Protection Order.
Councillor Graham Marsh, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Community Safety said: The Public Space Protection Order is a great way to keep our county a clean and safe environment for our communities. We want to ensure it remains this way, and by controlling our dogs and cleaning up after them, we take important steps toward this goal.
“Additionally, by introducing a ban on non-permitted street traders in our busiest residential and visitor areas, we can further enhance the quality of life for everyone. This measure will help reduce congestion, improve safety, and maintain the aesthetic appeal of our public spaces, ensuring that Skegness remains a welcoming and pleasant place for all.
Before completing the consultation, we would recommend that you read the proposed PSPO.
The consultation survey and relevant documents are available to view online at:
Closing date for submission of responses is Monday 30th September 2024.
Wellbeing Service
It is my great pleasure to update you, that following a competitive tender exercise, East Lindsey District Council alongside North Kesteven, Lincoln City and West Lindsey Council, have again secured the Wellbeing Service contract for a further 5-10 years.
The current service provided since April 2018 has been a great success, providing services to allow vulnerable adults to remain safe at home, avoiding the need to access NHS and Adult Care services. The updated contract will continue to include an assessment of need, followed by a period of generic support. The invaluable Response Service linked to the customers own telecare service, as well as enabling customers early access to assistive equipment will remain key elements of the service. As part of Lincolnshire County Councils wider strategy to develop digital service delivery across their own functions and external contracts, the service will include a digital offer from early January when the contract will be launched.
Whilst formal decision making will be taken in due course, to best prepare us during the short mobilisation period, preparatory work will commence immediately. This includes engagement with colleagues in the service on the structures and activities required to ensure we are in the best possible position to meet the key deliverables of the new contract.
6. LCC Report
Lincolnshire county council have signed up to the National Trading Standards teams new scams charter “no blame no shame” the charter is to make sure the blame is placed on the criminal and that the victim doesn’t feel shame about the situation which many do. The joint action with other agencies signing up is to try and stem the increase in fraud, scams and financial abuse. 75% of uk adults have been targeted by scams 35% losing money.
The section 19 reports will all be completed by the end of the month.
Another MAG meeting has taken place and works are ongoing.
Flu vaccinations to over 65s, pregnant women, and certain long-term condition will be available from this month. Also, the c19 vaccine if eligible will be commencing from the beginning of September, if you are eligible, you will be contacted.
County news would like to hear your views on anti-social behaviour, the survey is open till the 16th Sept
Council tax fraud warning, there has been a recent scam that caught out a former resident of East Lindsey, always hang up if someone rings you and call back on the official number and verify the caller 01507601111.
Household support fund: the 6th round has just been announced taking the program up to April 2025 we are awaiting details how this is to be distributed.
The 111 mental health support is now live, dial 111 and press option 2 this service is 24hrs and 7 days a week for all ages, it can be for you seeking help for a friend or family member. This will provide much quicker help in times of crisis. Your call will be answered by a dedicated member of the mental health team.
Stickney puffin crossing is to commence on the 23rd September, it will take 5 weeks and will have temporary traffic lights from 9 till 5 Monday to Friday whilst works are taking place. A five-night closure in late October from 7pm to 6 am will allow for the final road surface.
Please get in touch if you need any help or advice. Wendy
Cllr Wendy Bowkett
7. Lincolnshire Police Report – None
8. Approval of Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 21/05/2024
Proposed : Cllr Tony French Seconded : Cllr Pam Bryant
9. Matters Arising from previous meeting
a) the grass along the footpath from Back Lane to Hagnaby Lane has been cut by LCC. Their criteria is 2 Metres on a bridleway and 1 Metre on a Footpath.
b) the pathway at the end of Church Road up onto the A16 has been cut & tidied up
c) the road sign for the village along the A16 coming south from Keal Cotes is still obscured by branches and trees. No reply to date from Fix My Street. LCC Bowkett will follow this up.
d) A16 Speed Survey – LCC Bowkett to speak with Highways to seek approval.
e) Curb lowering on Church Road – LCC Bowkett will follow this up to get clarification on whether it is possible.
10. Finance Report
a) Authority for Payment:
1) £937.50 Clerks Salary (July to Sept 2024)
2) £102.43 Admin Stationery expenses. (Toners for printer, 2nd class Stamps, Thank You cards, printer paper)
3) No ongoing costs of petrol for mower & strimmer claimed in this period.
All payments approved by all Councillors.
The Clerk has been unable to obtain 3 quotes for the concreting of the base for the bench by the War Memorial. An advert was put on Nextdoor and one person made contact but no quote received. The one quote obtained is from Croft Construction for £130. All councillors agreed to accept this quote as Mr Atkinson is a local man with a good reputation. The clerk will make contact to confirm a date for the work to be done.
All councillors agreed to purchase one wreath from the Royal British Legion for the Remembrance Service in November. Cllr Bryant will make the arrangements (and check that we have enough crosses in store for this year).
Bank Balances to end of August: Current account £9,433.58 (after all cheques to date have been cashed)
Savings account £8271.75
An up-to-date Budget Report was distributed to all Councillors. All areas are on budget apart from Admin expenses – these are higher as clerk now has a printer that requires toners.
11. Clerks Report including update of policies and website
a) Internal Auditor – the clerk has made contact with LALC and is yet to seek quotes from local Auditors. An advert will be put on to the website and noticeboard.
b) All councillors were asked to complete and sign a GDPR Security Compliance Checklist for the clerk to keep on record.
c) Footpaths update for website – Ken Richard has completed the report update. All councillors have been emailed a copy and it will be put on to the website shortly.
12. Allotment Rents
Letters have been hand delivered to each Agricultural Allotment tenant requesting the half year rent that is due on October 1st 2024 , along with a copy of the new Agreement and advisory letter re the increased rent due to start on 1st April 2025.
13. Stickford Village Resilience Plan
Cllr Bowkett informs that the LCC Emergency Plan is being simplified – so ongoing.
14. Planning – discuss planning applications.
Since the last meeting on 9th July the planning applications for four properties have been decided and approved, land at Poplar Farm, Main Road, Keal Cotes free range egg production unit, Park Farm, Hagnaby Lock extensions and alterations, Harbors Retreat, 5 Cole Lane creation of a new vehicular access and The Grange Cole Lane single storey side extensions and balcony over.
The Croft Back Lane application to site two caravans for holiday lets the appeals process is still ongoing, there have not been any updates on the planning portal since March and we have not yet been contacted by the planning inspectorate which we would be as an original objector.
Land west of Homeleigh Fen Road outline application for two dwellings, ongoing application awaiting a decision. No entries on the planning portal since May. Have tried to get an update from the planning officer and waiting to hear.
Land at the Cul de Sac application for seven dwellings unanimously refused 13-0 at the ELDC planning meeting on 11th July. Thanks to Councillor Pam Bryant for attending the meeting and putting forward the Parish Council's objections to the committee. There have been no further updates on the planning portal in particular no appeal by the applicant.
New application since the last meeting Land west of Stickford Lodge Keal Bank application for change of use of agricultural land to equestrian use (works commenced) and provision of a manege, comments submitted, decision awaited after close of consultation period. There was a previous application for an environmental impact assessment for a screening opinion which was approved.
New applications since the last meeting for the Grimsby to Walpole pylons scheme, Eastern Green Link 3 and 4 Firsby Road Great Steeping, applicant National Grid Electricity Transmission, firstly consultation from the planning inspectorate on an environmental impact assessment scoping opinion and secondly consultation from the planning inspectorate on the environmental impact assessment scoping opinion regarding the development consent order for the Grimsby to Walpole project. Comments have been submitted, the consultation period has ended and decisions are awaited. This has now been declared a major infrastructure project so the final decision will be made by the Secretary of State and not ELDC planners.
15. Correspondence received for this meeting – not covered on the agenda
a) An acknowledgement letter has been received from the Church in taking over responsibility for the noticeboard outside the church yard.
b) A resident has made contact by email raising the issue of dog fouling and general rubbish in and around the Catchwater Bank area. New signs will be put up by the Clerk by the poo bins reminding people of the £1000 fine along with a non-official sign on behalf of the Parish Council asking that non residents respect the area and general use of the bins.
16. Other Business – matters for next Agenda
1. Precept – first discussion
2. Update of 2/3 more policies
Date and time of next meeting: 10th December 2024 at 7.30pm
(Closed Precept Meeting due to be held on Tuesday 19th November 2024)
Meeting closed at 20.55pm