June 2022 Agenda
Stickford Parish Council
Stickford Parish Council Statutory meeting to be held on 14th June 2022 at the Community Centre at 7.30pm
There will be a 15-minute public forum prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence to the Council in respect of the business on the agenda.
Members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting, with the exceptions of any closed sessions, but they may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed, unless allowed by the Chairman.
1. Chairman’s Welcome and any statements to be made
2. To accept apologies and reasons for absence
3. Any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Residents 15 minutes to raise any issue
5. ELDC Report
6. LCC Report
7. Lincolnshire Police Report
8. Approval of Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 17.5.2022
9. Matters arising from previous meeting
10. AGAR / Certificate of Exemption– approve and sign
11. Exercise of Public Rights – agree dates
12. Finance Report:
a) Authority for payment: 1) £150 Jubilee medals 2) £185.40 Skinners Ice cream 3) tba ; other Jubilee expenses 4) £30 War memorial Flowers 5) tba ; strimmer cord
b) Precept monies – update
c) Internal Audit – update
13. Financial Regulations, Standing Orders & Code of Conduct. Updates and amendments to be approved, agreed and signed.
14. Risk Management Policy – update
15. Jubilee Celebrations for 2022 – summarise how the day went
16. Planning – discuss planning applications
17. Correspondence received for this meeting – not covered on the agenda
18. Other Business – matters for next agenda
19. Date and time of next meeting : 12th July 2022 at 7.30pm.