January 2020 Minutes
Venue STICKFORD Community Centre
Meeting held 7th January 2020 starting 7.30pm
No. of Residents present, one Official attendees read Y for attending N for non attendance
Chairman Councillor Mrs Pamela Bryant Y Vice Chairman Councillor Mr Graham Bradley N
Councillor Mrs Lesley Reeson Y Councillor Mr Robert Morley N
Councillor Mr Clive Kingswood Y Councillor vacancy n/a
Councillor Mr John Howlett Y Parish Clerk Mr John Spencer Y
Lincs C C Councillor Mrs W Bowkett N ELDC Councillor Mr Jim Swanson Y
- The Chairman opened the meeting welcoming everybody. The chairman continued to state changes to the agenda and minutes as issued previously. All present agreed the extra agenda item Flood Plan, also the detail relating to the clock financial issue.
- There were two apologies from Councillor W Bowkett and Councillor G Bradley.
- There were no declaration of interests
- There was no issues raised from our Lincs County Councillor but an email to say if we have any concerns to email any issue needing her attention
- There was two points raised by our ELDC Councillor,
- The Boston Road car park in Spilsby is not being used. It is free for one hour then £2.00 for all day. Previously it was free all day. Motorists park on the side of the roads near the car park.
- The ELDC local plan is to be reviewed after 5 years.
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- The previous minutes from 3rd December 2019 were approved,
Proposed by Councillor John HowlettSeconded by Councillor Clive Kingswood
- Matters arising from previous minutes.
There were 5 ongoing matters arising,
- Pot holes in the village, 2. Outcome of speed checks along the A16 in Stickford
- Salt bin in Hagnaby Road needs topping up, 4. Caravans on the airfield.
5. Dykes along Back Lane.
The details about the War Memorial clock will be discussed at agenda item 12.
- Financial Matters.
- The council precept was accepted and agreed to be requested from ELDC.
Proposed by Councillor Clive Kingswood. Seconded by Councillor John Howlett.
- The ring fenced money agreed previously to be transferred from the Community Account to the Savings Account has been completed.
- Two bills were presented to the Council for payment,
- The invoice for £1,100 for maintenance work already done on the clock,
- Purchase of a pump £179 to extract water from inside the War Memorial clock tower base.
Both bills were approved for payment,
Proposed by Councillor John Howlett Seconded by Councillor Clive Kingswood.
There were no other bills presented to the meeting.
- Planning
Planning Application S/168/02046/19
Mr C Holmes, Sherylin, Cul de Sac, Stickford. Boston PE22 8EY
Extension to existing dwelling to provide a porch, integral garage, gym,
shower room and utility on the site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be
The Parish Council recommended support.
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11. Review of 2 Statutory Documents. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
Both documents have been reviewed and the Chairman is to present to the other councillors in due course, possible changes to both documents before the next Statutory meeting in March 2020.
- War Memorial Clock.
The clock has been working for about six weeks but has now stopped.The maintenance contractor has suggested a replacement of some of the parts at the cost of a further £900.The Parish Council has applied to the ELDC Councillors Community Grant Scheme to help towards the cost.Councillors agreed that the maintenance contractor to be asked to come and have another look at the mechanism again before ordering of restorative parts.
- Flood Plan.
The chairman suggested a review of the village Flood Plan to be put on the 3 March agenda.
- Other issued raised by Councillors.
- Councillor Lesley Reeson bought to our attention the new costs for training full and half days arranged by LALC. It has been suggested that some of the courses will be mandatory for Councillors.
- The Chairman reminded Councillors that as landlords of the allotments, the issue of drainage should be investigated.
- The Councillors were asked if they wanted to change the Internal Auditor. They all agreed to continue with the currant one and to confirm it at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
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