August 2020 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Stickford Parish Council
4th August 2020
No. of Residents present, 4 Official attendees read Y for attending N for non-attendance
Chairman Councillor Mrs Pamela Bryant Y
Vice Chairman Councillor Mr Graham Bradley Y
Councillor Mrs Lesley Reeson Y
Councillor Mr Robert Morley Y
Councillor Mr Clive Kingswood Y
Councillor vacancy
Councillor Mr John Howlett Y
Parish Clerk Mr John Spencer Y
Lincs C C Councillor Mrs W Bowkett N
ELDC Councillor Mr Jim Swanson N
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present.
The residents present at the Annual Parish Meeting, held just prior to this Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, decided to stay.
There was 1 apology from our Lincolnshire County Councillor, Councillor Wendy Bowkett
The Election of Officers: - The clerk called out each position and requested and received a proposer and a seconder for each position. The list of positions is Appendix A to these minutes.
There was no declaration of interest.
Open Forum.
There were no resident issues.
Our Lincolnshire Councillor
A report was sent to the clerk and is attached to these minutes as Appendix B
Approval of the previous minutes dated 4th March 2020
The minutes were approved,
Proposed by Councillor Lesley Reeson Seconded by Councillor John Howlett.
Matters arising from the previous minutes March 4th 2020.
The following issues were raised a) Salt Bin filling, village seat and farming allotments drainage.
The clerk is to report on pot holes, speeding, and salt bin filling at the next meeting.
The Chairman to seek information on the village seat replacement. Councillor Lesley Reeson, to liaise with an allotment holder on the cost of allotment drainage.
Financial Matters
All payments made in May and July were :---
For May
1) Parish Council Insurance to Zurich £294.64
2) Clerk Wages £550.00
3) Clerk Income tax £137.50
4) Keals Club £45.00
5) Stickford WI £45.00
6) W/M clock Key £40.00
For July
1) LALC £157.23
2) Internal Audit £150.00
3) Admin Costs £94.93
4) Clerk Wages £550.00
5) Clerk Income tax £137.50
Bills to pay at this meeting were approved for payment are
W/M clock £69.00
b) W/M Flowers £59.92
Churchyard grant paid in full £500.00
Approval of year ending accounts to March 31st 2020. All Councillors agreed to the Internal Audit Papers and External Audit papers for the Certificate of Exemption to be sent to the auditors.
Proposed by Councillor Lesley Reeson Seconded by Councillor John Howlett.
One cheque paid to ICO (Data Protection Fee) for £40.00, was paid in April 2020, has not been cashed. On enquiry by the RFO, was told there were no staff available to action the cheque.
War Memorial clock update.
The clock had stopped working and a cable had snapped. At the Parish Council’s request, the repairer has sent details recommending what work needs to be done to get it working again. After a full discussion by the councillors, it was decided further restorative parts should be used to repair the clock. Councillor John Howlett will liaise with the clock repairer, the Chairmen and volunteers to assist the clock repairer.
A full list of the planning issue is attached to the minutes as Appendix C
There was no correspondence.
Any Other business (Councillors only)
None was raised.
Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
Date of next statutory meeting 1st September at 7.30pm.