March 2021


Clerk to Stickford Parish Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Stickford is a village and civil parish in East Lindsey, situated between Keal Cotes and Stickney.  It has a community of nearly 500 residents.

The position is a part time role, involving approximately 4 hours per week. It is an opportunity for an individual to develop their administration, and organisational skills. And, their knowledge of local government.

The position also involves the statutory role of Responsible Financial Officer, the Proper Officer of the Council.

The jobholder will be required to:

  1. Provide the day to day functions necessary to ensure the Parish Council is compliant with all statutory requirement, include the preparation of agendas, reports and minutes for all meetings.
  2. Maintain all financial records, payments of invoices and income from allotments rents, preparing regular reports to the Council, including the Annual Budget and financial returns. Be familiar with HMRC income tax system.
  3. Manage the Council’s website and notice boards.

The job requires flexibility as the person appointed must be able to attend Parish Council meetings in the evenings.

Salary: To be negotiated.

Applicants are required to apply in writing by letter or email in the first instant, to the Clerk at: giving a brief detail of experience.   

Closing date Monday 5th March 2021 at 5.00 p.m. 

Stickford Parish Council has received information on the following Notice of Public Consultation.

East Lindsey District Council is undertaking a partial review of the East Lindsey Local Plan 2018.  The Plan will guide and manage future development in the District up to 2031. The Council has published for consultation an Issues and Option Paper that sets out certain issues and potential options in relation to these and is seeking views on this document.

The Issues and Options Document and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal may be viewed on the Council’s website

The consultation started on 15th February until 5pm on 12th April 2021.

Pam Bryant

Chairman of Stickford Parish Council


Paper and Cardboard Recycling Bins

The recycling bins near the Green Barn on Back Lane, Stickford, can be used to recycle cardboard, paper and books. There are separate bins for cardboard and paper. Please make sure that you flatten all boxes before putting them in the bins. No carrier bags. Any money raised goes to Stickford Church.

Stickford & District WI

The WI meet on the second Monday of each month at 1.30pm in our Community Centre.  We are a group of ladies whose ages vary greatly.   Many have moved into the village from different parts of the country and others have lived here all their lives.  Between us we have many different interests and hobbies, but we all have the same reason for coming to our meeting, to make new friends, meet up with old ones, have tea and cake and most of all to have a laugh and a good time. We have guest speakers, gain knowledge and new skills. At the moment we are unable to meet because of Covid but when we start up again please come along, see what we do and join us for a cup of tea.                                                           

The Keals Club

We are a club for over 55’s and we meet at Stickford Community Centre at 2pm on the second Tuesday in the month. At the moment we are unable to meet owing to the Coronavirus restrictions but we hope these will soon be lifted.

W have a varied and interesting programme which includes speakers, games afternoons, quizzes, auctions, raffles and we enjoy several coach outings in the year.

We are a very friendly club and we welcome new members from Stickford and the surrounding villages.

For further information please telephone either John Spencer 01790 763810 or Pam Thom 01790 763297.


Stickford Church

Services             Sunday 14th March at 11.15am            Mothering Sunday  Morning Worship 

                             Sunday 28th March at 11.15am            Palm Sunday Morning Worship



To Let – One and a half acre grass paddock in Stickford. The rent is £10 per month. Please telephone 01790 763297 for more information.

If you have any information for the next newsletter due out on 1st April, please email or phone 01205 480477 by 20th March.